
Intuition and Business Success

"Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire, you need an astrologer." -- J. P. Morgan

Douglas Dean of the New Jersey Institute of Technology studied the relationship between intuition and business success. Dean found that 80 per cent of successful executives had above average precognitive powers.  'Success' was defined as doubling profits over a five- year period. Pretty impressive !!

According to the June, 2008 issue of Newsweek, "intuitionists" -- what you and I might call a psychic -- have crossed into the world of mainstream business, some receiving $10,000 a month per company for their 'insights'. In another study (2006, PRWeek/Burson-Marsteller CEO Survey), 62% of CEOs who were polled said they primarily use their "gut feelings" when making decisions .

Management professor Weston Agor of the University of Texas in El Paso found that of the 2,000 managers he tested, higher-level managers scored highest in intuition. Most of these executives stated that initially they gathered all the relevant information and data available, but if the data was conflicting or incomplete, they then relied on intuitive approaches to come to a conclusion.

Many famous business leaders openly stated their use and reliance upon intuition: J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Donald Trump, John D. Rockefeller and Conrad Hilton, as well as many more.  There is a famous story about Conrad Hilton and his "hunches" . . . a New York property was to be auctioned in a sealed bid. Hilton evaluated its worth at $159,000 and prepared a bid in that amount. He went to sleep that night and when he woke up, the figure $174,000 stood out in his mind. He changed the bid and submitted the higher figure and, as a result, won the auction.

The next highest bid was $173,000. Hilton later sold the property for several million dollars.

Business and Intuition -- the next frontier . . . that is my prediction :)

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